
Pirkko & Saida Made Their Dream Come True

Pirkko Riekki is a person who you will never forget once you've met her. Her positivity shines on her face and she has to ability to make everyone smile. Pirkko has faced many health challenges during her life but that has not stopped her from doing what she loves: agility.

Photo of Pirkko Riekki & Saida is published with the permission of

Last weekend Pirkko made one of her dreams come true when she attended to the Finnish Championships of para-agility with Keeshond Saida. This was a very special thing for Pirkko because she has been fighting against an aggressive cancer during the last couple of years and has been feeling quite ill lately. She was nervous about whether she would be able to take part in the competition up until the last minutes.

Pirkko has a big team of supporters, or you could actually say fans, that has been helping her to achieve her goal. Many of Pirkko's friends where there to share the excitement when she stepped on the competition arena with Saida. Pirkko and Saida did two beautiful, flowing runs and ended up winning the Finnish Championship in category 5 ! See a video of the competition runs of Pirkko and Saida!

OneMind Dogs wants to congratulate all the medalists of the para-agility Championships, as well as the Junior and Senior medalists who also had their Finnish Championships last weekend!

Watch some previous runs by Pirkko:


Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners. We are passionate about increasing the mutual understanding between the dog and the owner, making a life together more enjoyable for both.