My name is Hannah Eskow. My OneMind Dogs journey started in January of 2015, when I discovered there was going to be a OneMind Dogs Camp in Canada for the first time. In June 2016 I ended up traveling to Finland!
Have you seen the start of Hannah’s OneMind Dogs -story? Read her first post here.
Practicing with the Pros
I couldn’t believe my ears when I was offered the opportunity to not only watch the OneMind Dogs coaches practice for Finnish Championships, but was actually invited to practice with them. I was immediately excited and then VERY nervous. I remember walking the course thinking how was I ever going to run this with my 18 month old Jack Russell? The first to run the course was Janita, I watched from the couch as she ran clean, fast and flawless on the first go and I got chills down my spine. I remember staring with my jaw dropped and Jaakko, who was sitting beside me, looking and laughing, asking if I was going to be okay. I had to laugh a bit too as I found myself a little ‘starstruck’. After Janita I watched Jaakko, Timo and Tuulia all run the same course, and practice the parts that could be better. I say could be better because they are all extremely good at what they do; I was not watching them fix their handling or their dogs’ obstacle performance, I was watching them perfect it.
It was incredible until Janita looked at me and said, “Okay, you’re up!” My stomach jumped into my throat as I grabbed my sassy terrier and attempted an international level course. I sat her on the startline and Jaakko said “Don’t worry. We are all watching. No pressure.” I laughed… At least these people have a sense of humor! Moments of brilliance – and many things to work on is what I discovered when I was bent over, hands on my knees panting because of running so much trying to rectify “Terrier Moments”. I looked up and I was face to face with the coaches who were all staring at me – we all started to laugh together. Janita graciously helped me through some issues I experienced on the course and gave me things to practice when I got home.
After this session I was thrilled. I put Rizzo away and sat back down on the couch next to Jaakko who proceeded to say, “The handling was nice.” I don’t think I have ever smiled harder in my life, I didn’t even try to contain my excitement when I said “Really?!” He laughed and said yes and proceeded to tell me that he thought my little Jack had a lot of potential as her turns are nice and the ground speed is there. I was thrilled – I’ve never been more excited to hear feedback from a coach. I couldn’t thank them enough for letting me join their practice. I still cannot thank them enough for that experience.
Competing in Finland!
Well technically it was an unofficial competition – so it was a little more relaxed, however that did not mean that I was! I was nervous but I knew we could do it, and at the end of the day it was a fundraiser for two junior handlers which I was happy to support. We had some brilliant runs and some terrier moments. But through the good and the ‘needs works’ the OneMind Dogs coaches were there to watch, video and share the experience with me. It was amazing to say the very least. We even ended up placing in a run and winning a prize!
The OneMind Dogs Family
Becoming a part of OneMind Dogs is more than just a handling system. It is more than the techniques it is comprised of, more than a way of training dogs and people. Becoming a part of OneMind Dogs is like joining an international family of likeminded people who care about you. Not only about your agility career, but about your accomplishments; big and small, dog related or not. While I was in Finland my Finnish Sister and CEO of OneMind Dogs Noora, graduated with a masters degree. She threw a huge party and I had the pleasure of being invited! I spent the evening with the OneMind Dogs Office Crew and a few Finnish OneMind Dogs Coaches. They were all there to support Noora; not as a colleague, boss, training partner, or coach – but as a friend, as part of their OneMind Dogs family.
While in Finland, Noora graciously accepted me into her home and I became part of her family for a month. I got to know her husband, whom I now call my friend, and her sons who feel like nephews to me. They taught me Finnish, introduced me to their family, took me to their summer cottage and showed me a lot of what beautiful Finland has to offer. I don’t know about you, but that sounds much more like a family than anything else. The OneMind Dogs culture is about getting mentally connected with your dog, yourself, your life and your goals. It inspired me to do so many things but just to list a few … quit my job where I was unhappy, start my own dog training company where I could introduce and inspire more people to focus on relationship and connection with their dog, book a last minute flight to Finland because it felt like the right thing to do! The OneMind Dogs culture is something that extends past the walls of the OneMind Dogs Arena and into every walk of life. Its inspiring and invigorating and once you get involved you just can’t get enough!