
Guided Course: Beyond Foundation

7 lessons

This course is the perfect way to take your foundation skills and handling technique training and start training sequences! This course is for everyone from young dogs just starting to explore doing sequences for the first time or older dogs looking to brush up on their skills. This guided course is based on the Beyond Foundations program with OneMind Dogs Coach Tuulia Liuhto and her young Border Collie Etsu! OneMind Dogs Instructor Lynn Madden will take you through the program as she trains her young Border Collie Drift on the courses.

How does it work?

Starting on December 23rd, 2023, Lynn will post homework every two weeks, showing the lesson to be covered from the Beyond Foundations program and providing a video of her training drift on the same sequence.

You can train these exercises anytime; they only require a few jumps and a tunnel. You can then video your training, post it in the forum and get detailed feedback from Lynn! 

What will you learn?

This course involves working through current OneMind Dogs Beyond Foundation content alongside some extra videos from Lynn. You will learn how to start doing sequences with everything you have learned so far including tips on how to troubleshoot any common issues which may arise.


How The Guided Course Works


Tips from Tuulia - what to focus on during training


Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners. We are passionate about increasing the mutual understanding between the dog and the owner, making a life together more enjoyable for both.