
Timo Liuhto

place Finland

star OneMind Dogs Coach

Timo is a dedicated agility coach, who analyses and defines his training sequences carefully to achieve the best possible performance. For Timo, agility means friendship, traveling, emotion and passion for a sport that has become a way of life for him!

Timo finds agility addictive and fascinating because it combines the physical sport with the mental side of it, understanding and training different kinds of dogs. As an agility coach he also has a great opportunity to help other agility handlers develop their skills.

To be the best he can at competitions, Timo puts a great deal of focus on carefully teaching his dogs the basics of obstacles and handling, later increasing the difficulty of the challenges. He also regularly attends training by leading OneMind Dogs Coaches Janita and Jaakko, to become a better handler and coach and to strengthen his dogs’ skills; plus he works closely with OneMind Dogs Coach Tuulia. On top of this he trains to build both his physical and mental skills.

As a coach Timo values good coaching environments (safe obstacles and surfaces, and well organized seminars) and eager handlers who are interested in listening and learning to understand their dogs, as well as develop themselves as agility handlers. In his seminars Timo wants to give a good overall look from different perspectives. He thinks about things with his students: what, why, when, where and what if? His goal is to achieve the best and most efficient results possible, which may mean investigating the details and patience and persistence from his students. It’s no wonder that Timo’s agility motto is “Be skilled!”

  • OneMind Dogs Coach Week 2015 / Kaarina, Finland
  • OneMind Dogs Coach Week 2016 / Kaarina, Finland
  • OneMind Dogs Coach Week 2017 / Barto, PA, USA
  • OneMind Dogs Coach Week 2018 / Lieto, Finland
Kouluttajan pätevyys
  • OneMind Dogs Coach, can teach everything in the OneMind Dogs method

Missiomme on antaa onnellinen elämä koirille auttamalla ihmisiä oppimaan mahtaviksi koiranomistajiksi. Meidän intohimomme on koirien ja niiden omistajien yhteisymmärryksen lisääminen ja yhteiselon nautinnollisuuden lisääminen. Arvomme ovat intohimo, hauskuus ja loputon mielikuvitus.