
Elina Rönnholm

place Mustasaari, Finland

star OneMind Dogs Assistant Coach

Elina says she is a very competitive handler. “But the thing that makes me truly happy is to see the fire in my dogs' eyes when they are doing agility with me. I try to find the best possible handling options for each dog that I run, and to be the best team mate for each of them.”

When it comes to coaching, Elina is encouraging, exact, positive and patient with her students. “I love to see the true devotion between the dog and the handler, regardless of their level in agility.”

Elina likes to focus on logic and rewards. “The main thing for me as a coach is getting my students to understand the most logical handling choices and lines, and to teach them to reward their dogs in the right way.”



OneMind Dogs
Assistant Coach
OneMind Dogs
Handling Techniques 1
Mental Training:
Tools for Life
Coach Training Events
  • Handling Techniques 1 / March 2017, Haukipudas, Finland
  • Foundation for agility / January 2017, Kaarina, Finland
  • OneMind Dogs Coach Week 2018 / Lieto, Finland
  • Handling Techniques 2 / June 2018, Haukipudas, Finland
Certified to teach
  • OneMind Dogs Handling Techniques 1
  • OneMind Dogs Assistant Coach, can teach parts of the OneMind Dogs method, that their mentor has approved them to use

Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners. We are passionate about increasing the mutual understanding between the dog and the owner, making a life together more enjoyable for both.