
Guided courses

Get motivated with expert guidance and receive detailed video feedback to boost your training with agility guided courses!

OneMind Dogs guided courses are the perfect bridge between the videos you see on our learning platform and the results you can achieve in your own backyard. Guided courses are included in OneMind Dogs premium subscriptions and feature personalised feedback from a OneMind Dogs expert.

What’s a Guided Course?

During a Guided Course, a OneMind Dogs Coach or Instructor will take you through some of our premium exercises in a structured way, with detailed tips and video demonstrations.

Participants are encouraged to try the exercises and film their training sessions, and then submit the videos for feedback. You can also view the videos and feedback from the other participants to boost your learning experience — like attending a seminar or group lesson!


How do I participate?

You can view the active Guided Courses here, by scrolling down and choosing "Guided Courses" in the category dropdown box. Agility Premium members can join the available courses at no extra cost and can also view past Guided Course threads in our Forum once they are logged in, by scrolling down to the one that interests them.

When a new Guided Course opens for feedback, we'll contact you via email (keep an eye on our newsletters) and we'll advertise the course via a banner on the site and in our socials. Then, you can register for the course to receive reminder emails when new lessons are posted. If you're not an Agility Premium member, you can also buy a package offer to join the course.


Guided Courses currently running


Next Guided Courses coming up

  • Startline stays - Mid March 2025
  • Agility Course analysis  - May 2025
  • 10 Handling Techniques on 1 jump - Part 3 - August 2025


What do people say about Guided Courses?

Joining a Guided Course is a great addition to your toolbox, and it’s super fun to do the exercises alongside other members - not to mention watching all of the awesome videos!

“This course was excellent. By reviewing all the technique videos combined with your personal tips I picked up so many things I originally missed. I now have a much better understanding of these techniques, increasing my toolbox and helping me improve my handling”.

“I was able to post videos of the lessons and always got detailed, helpful feedback with tips on how to improve. I don’t speak English very well but that wasn’t a problem, and there are always translation programs available if needed. At the end of the course, when Naama was 7 months, we could even run a small sequence. We had so much fun training! We’ve already registered for the second part of the course with OneMind Dogs instructor Stephanie Williams” Heidi, OneMind Dogs enthusiast

You can read more about another community member’s experience with guided courses and how they influenced her training journey here: Jacqui’s story


Guided Courses are a valuable perk of the Agility Premium subscription

Alongside the premium content that the instructor sets for homework, they’ll also give you some personal tips and advice!

Not premium yet? Join now!

Here’s an example tips video for the False Turn from one of our guided courses with OneMind Dogs instructor Stephanie Williams. Isn’t her Sheltie, Dash, so sweet?

We teach OneMind Dogs Method to the people. Dogs already speak it. Join these people who have already found the magical connection with their dog!

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Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners. We are passionate about increasing the mutual understanding between the dog and the owner, making a life together more enjoyable for both.