There is a lot of planning that goes into a successful Gamblers run – you have to know your dog’s ability, speed and likelihood of completing the distance challenges in order to plan your ideal run.
In Gamblers, there is no set course. You design your own course based on your dog’s strengths to maximize your point accumulation. Read more about the basics of the game in our first post of the series, What is an Agility Gambler?
Here is the course map of the Gamblers course in the video:
This course had two Bi-Directional Mini Gambles (or Jokers). This means you could perform either A-B (double jump - frame) or B-A (frame - double jump) for points or for the other Mini-Gamble, C-D (jump - weaves) or D-C (weaves - jump) for points from behind the line.
In the video you will hear the judge yelling out the points for the obstacles successfully completed. This is what happened:
The Opening:
- 1 point awarded for jump before weaves
- Mini-Gamble sequence behind the line: Weaves, Jump 12 point mini gamble (point total is 6, but because it was handled from behind the line, the points doubled and 12 points are received)
- Tunnel taken twice was the 4 point obstacle
- Second sequence behind the line: Double jump, A-frame 10 point mini gamble (point total is 5 points, but because it was handled from behind the line, the points doubled and 10 points are received)
- 1 point awarded for jump after a-frame
- Called off the tunnel so as to not waste time. Attempt to do the mini-gamble again but dog refused the a-frame due to lack of handler motion to support a-frame performance. **This is a common mistake made by handlers in the heat of the moment when attempting a distance challenge: they panic about staying behind the line and end up standing still while try to send the dog. Remember - motion is the most powerful handling element and is essential to success in distance handling. Stay tuned for our next blog post in the series where we talk about this in depth!
- No points awarded for a-frame because of missed contact, no points awarded for jump because it had already been taken twice for points. 3 points awarded for teeter completion before buzzer
- No points awarded for jump because it was after buzzer
Good Gamblers strategy requires a good sense of how many obstacles your dog can do in the allotted time for the opening. The decision was made to run to the teeter after the a-frame was performed for the last time because the handler was aware that the opening time was almost over and the teeter was an obstacle close to the Main Gamble.
The Closing (Main Gamble):
must be done within a set amount of time from behind the line. This was a successful main gamble.
This was a course run by OneMind Dogs Instructor Trainee Hannah Eskow and her first agility dog, Eddie at a Canadian Regional Championship event in 2011. This run was a Qualifying Gamblers run totalling 79.33 points.