In OneMind Dogs obstacle training, our goal is to teach the dogs to clear the obstacles regardless of the handler's movement or position. Weaving poles are one of the obstacles where an independent obstacle performance helps a lot: the handler can move to a better position for handling the next sequence while the dog is weaving.
There are many methods for teaching the weaves to a dog. None of the teaching methods is good or bad: they are just different. All dogs learn in different ways, which means that the method that is the best or fastest for each dog, varies. Get some tips for teaching the weaves to your dog from the Weaves video.
Just like in all other type of dog training, it is important that you don’t get stuck on doing things the same way for a long period of time. As soon as your dog figures out how to perform the weaves, start adding some distractions that help proof your dog’s skills.
Are you ready for a challenge? Try the Independent Weaves Training Challenge!
Even if you teach your dog to perform obstacles independently, there can be situations on competition courses where the dog could use your assistance. By mastering the Grab to Weaves technique it is possible to have a very high success rate in weave entries, no matter how challenging the setup is.
As a OneMind Dogs premium member you can learn more about teaching the weaves to your dog, proofing the weaving skills and helping your dog in the weave entries by joining our All About Weaves online course!